With no. 10344/2013 decision of the Court of First Instance of Thessaloniki for the first time an unprecedented application of a sports company (our client) for opening a restructuring procedure (article 99 et seq.) was accepted. The aforementioned decision ruled that the submission of a relevant application by a sports societe anonyme does not violate Article 35 §1 of the Football Games Regulation (FGR). The latter provides that the settlement of any dispute arising from the application and interpretation of the FGR and the statutes and regulations of the EPO – Hellenic Football Federation must be resolved only by the arbitrating soccer bodies, while at the same time prohibits recourse to civil or administrative courts by the above. It was decided that the rules drawn up by the sports federation of each sport or the relevant sports industry (and therefore Article 35 §1 of the FGR) as rules adopted by a private entity exist in the area of private law and therefore do not have the force of a substantive law, contrary to the provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, which have the force of mandatory law. The court ruled in favor of the company’s application and opened the restructuring proceedings.